Get Up with It is a compilation album by American jazz musician Miles Davis. Released by Columbia Records on November 22, 1974, it compiled songs Davis had re Listen to Get Up With It by Miles Davis on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. A personal favorite of mine from Miles Davis' discography, Get Up with It is a double album of material recorded at various points from 1970 to '74. Even within the context of a career as challenging and gamechanging as Davis opening an album with the 32minute, mind dissolving, slow burning He Loved Him Madly was a pretty confrontational move. See more Get Up with It by Miles Davis (CD, Aug2000, 2 Email to friends Share on Facebook opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest opens in a new window or tab get up with it Find a Miles Davis Get Up With It first pressing or reissue. Complete your Miles Davis collection. Get Up with It um lbum de Miles Davis. Todas as faixas compostas por Miles Davis. Of all the albums Miles Davis released, the only one to capture the entire freewheeling sense of change and exploration is Get Up With It. Released in 1974, Get Up With It is a followup to Big Fun, which appeared in the same year, offering an overview of the recent period and revealing new directions. Find great deals on eBay for miles davis get up with it. The twodisc Get Up With It from 1974 is perhaps a more accessible release, less repetitive than On The Corner and more finely colored, though the shades remain mostly black and blue. This contemplative moodiness lingered in Miles music well beyond his. Miles Davis John Coltrane The Final Tour: The Bootleg Series, Vol. Miles Davis In Concert: Live At Philharmonic Hall. Miles Ahead Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. April 2015 EAC extraction logfile from 23. September 2015, 20: 52 Miles Davis Get Up With It Used drive: TSSTcorpBDDVDW SE506CB Adapter: 1 ID: 1 Get Up with It ist ein FusionAlbum von Miles Davis, das in verschiedenen Besetzungen zwischen dem 19. Oktober 1974 in New York City aufgenommen wurde. Das von Teo Macero produzierte Album erschien am 22. November 1974 bei Columbia Records als Doppelalbum und war Miles Davis letztes Studioalbum vor seinem fnf Jahre whrenden Rckzug aus der Musikszene. 'Get Up With It' Miles Davis (510) Miles Davis is one of my most loved artists in the vast world of jazz music. Treading through more genres and styles that you could count on both hands over the course of his career, Davis was an innovator, although as is the case with far too many geniuses, he began to fall victim to his demons. Get up with it is my favourite Miles Davis studio album. I enjoy ht and rcb but they're up against 6 tracks that are utterly seminal monster tracks so they're going to look a bit lightweight. Can't justify cost of OTC box, so considering finding best audiophile CD to replace legacy edition, will reread thread but consensus seems to be JP. Get Up With It is a fusion music album recording by MILES DAVIS released in 1974 on CD, LPVinyl andor cassette. This page includes MILES DAVIS Get Up With It's: cover picture, songs tracks list, membersmusicians and lineup, different releases details, buy online: ebay and amazon, ratings and detailled reviews by some experts, collaborators and members. Find album credit information for Get Up with It Miles Davis on AllMusic Miles Davis' 1974 album 'Get Up With It' is a collection of tracks recorded between 1970 and 1974. Released as a double LP, it was Davis' last studio album before five years of retirement from music. 'He Loved Him Madly' was recorded by Davis as his tribute to then recently deceased Duke Ellington, who used to tell his audiences 'I love you. Get Up With It (Columbia, 1974) An appreciation by Christopher Laramee (June 2013) Recorded at various sessions between, what is technically a hodgepodge collection of jams (stylistically, chronologically) has somehow become, over time, one of the Dark Magus' towering achievements. Mix Miles Davis He Loved Him Madly part 1. wmv YouTube; Miles Davis In a Silent Way 1969 Duration: 38: 01. Miles Davis Get Up with It (Disc1) Duration: 1: 00: 05. Thats my name up there, Miles Davis, and I pointed to my name on the marquee all up in lights. He said, I dont care where you work, I said move on! If you dont move on Im going to arrest you. Find a Miles Davis Get Up With It first pressing or reissue. Complete your Miles Davis collection. Get Up with it is a nice overview of Miles Music from the early 70s. Recorded between 1970 and 1975, all of it is true to that period, he was exploring electric music and there's lots of free jams. The percussion is incredible, Airto and whoever else is on it. Miles Davis' 1974 album Get Up With It is a collection of tracks recorded between 1970 and 1974. Released as a double LP, it was Davis' last studio album before five years of retirement from music. An overlooked classic of Psychedelic Soul, representing the best of Miles. Get Up With It un doppio album di Miles Davis registrato in diverse sessioni dal 1970 al 1974 e pubblicato nel novembre 1974. Questo fu l'ultimo album in studio pubblicato da Miles Davis prima di cinque anni di ritiro dalle scene e raggiunse l'ottava posizione nella Jazz Albums statunitense. Miles Davis: On The Corner Get Up With It jazz review by Todd S. Jenkins, published on September 1, 2000. Find thousands reviews at All About Jazz. Get Up with It is a compilation album by American jazz musician Miles Davis. Released by Columbia Records on November 22, 1974, it compiled songs Davis had recorded in sessions between 1970 and 1974, including those for the studio albums Jack Johnson (1971) and On the Corner (1972). In The Rolling Stone Album Guide (2004), J. Considine described the compilation's music as. Get Up With It was the last studio album Miles Davis recorded before his five year retirement fom music which lasted until 1980. Although Miles was suffering from ill health at this time, his music continued to be more adventurous. Miles Davis Get Up With It Sold for 24. 53 USD on 25 May 2016 Listen to Get Up With It now. Listen to Get Up With It in full in the Spotify app. Play on Spotify 1974 Sony Music Entertainment Inc. One thing about Get Up With It, it is an album that seems all over the map, aside from the to side long pieces. Much of the music comes from different sessions, Maiysha, Honky Tonk, and, Billy Preston have much more of a composed feel and commercial quality. [IMG As I progressed on my Miles journey through 'Round About Midnight and beyond Kind Of Blue and Sketches Of Spain I knew that I was on to Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Get Up with It Miles Davis on AllMusic 1974 When Get Up with It was released in 1974, critics Get up with it est un album de jazz fusion du compositeur et trompettiste de jazz amricain Miles Davis This may be the most commercial sounding of all of Miles electric records from the 70s, but it still sounds out there, alien, and futuristic in all the best ways, and Get Up with It is perhaps just coming into its own here in the 21st century. This may be the most commercial sounding of all of Miles' electric records from the '70s, but it still sounds out there, alien, and futuristic in all the best ways, and Get Up with It is perhaps just coming into its own here in the 21st century. Miles Davis was a huge star, the aforementioned Brew, In A Silent Way and On The Corner had all been big, recent records for him and the FM and black stations in major cities across the US played. Each Sunday, Pitchfork takes an indepth look at a significant album from the past, and any record not in our archives is eligible. Today, we explore 1974s black funk dreamscape from Miles Davis. Get Up with it is a nice overview of Miles Music from the early 70s. Recorded between 1970 and 1975, all of it is true to that period, he was exploring electric music and there's lots of free jams. The percussion is incredible, Airto and whoever else is on it. Dcouvrez les 18 disques en vente de l'album Get up with it de Miles Davis sur CDandLP au format Vinyle et CD Get up With It was the last studio album before Miles Davis disappeared from Planet Earth for six years. After all the music he had already recorded, this meant a vacuum no one was able to fill, and even when Miles did reappear the world had changed, he had changed, and in a way, that magic that shines from within Get up With It, was never.