Portal Gun Mod. 2 is a mod that includes many elements from Valve Corporation's games Portal and Portal 2 such as a portal gun, weighted cubes. Mount or burn image Extract setup. exe and its bin files from the iso by using something like 7zip to a folder on your pc, then use Uniextract on setup. Find (app) folder and rename to Portal 2 and put it in some game dir. Portal: Prelude, as its name states it, is an unofficial prequel to the game Portal. Its story revolves around the preGlaDOS epoch, even before she was plugged in. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Portal for PC. Enter these codes in your console ( button)br Some of them may require svcheats set to 1 Portal System Requirements, Portal Minimum requirements Recommended requirements, Can PC run Portal system specs For Portal on the PC, GameFAQs has 58 cheat codes and secrets. Portal 2 juego para Pc full en espaol lanzado el ao 2011 contina con esa frmula ganadora consistente en una innovadora mecnica de juego, historia y msica. Portal 2 is a unique firstperson game that tests player's ability to think and act creatively as they use the game's ingenious wormhole creating portal gun to produce their own paths through otherwise sealed surfaces and across the open spaces of the game. Aggregate reviews for the standalone PC version of Portal gave the game a through 28 reviews on Metacritic. IGN also placed GLaDOS, (from Portal) as the# 1 Video Game Villain on its Top100 Villains List. GamesRadar named it the best game of all time. Download Portal 1 Full Crack, Tng hp nhiu game hnh ng hay nht dnh cho pc, link ti game hon ton min ph nh cc bn This is a pretty basic mod template for portal 1, that you could use to start making your mod. No Jump Jun 9 2018 TBD Puzzle Portal: Still Alive For PC Aug 18 2017 Released Aug 17, 2017 Puzzle The 14 advanced chambers from the XBLA version of Portal, now playable on your PC. (for PC and Mac) If you haven't had the pleasure of playing this ingenious, awardwinning, beloved firstperson now's your. PORTAL 2 Draws from the awardwinning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a 1 Makes your portals placable on paint portal2portalwidth XXX Specify the width you want your portals to be, where XXX is a numerical value Set in a mysterious scientific facility, Portal introduced players to new ways of moving through the gameworld that challenged their perspective and flexed their spatial awareness. baixei e t funfando legal pelo menos at a fase 20, depois disso nao sei, pq nao terminei ainda Responder Excluir Descargar Portal Juego para PC en Espaol: videojuego de lgica para un solo jugador desarrollado por Valve Corporation que viene en tan solo 1 link. Portal sur PC: retrouvez toutes les informations, les tests, les vidos et actualits du jeu sur tous ses supports. Portal sur PC est un jeu d'actionrflexion la premire personne. PC Cheats Portal: This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Portal for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to Portal is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay. Download Portal pc game full setup file in single, direct link for windows. Portal is a magnificent puzzle game. Portal is smarter, cooler, funnier, and more sinister than almost any game this year. About Portal 1 Portal is a game which requires a lot of brain work and strategy. The storyline is perfect, little bits of Buy Portal 2 The Final Hours. Portal 2 The Final Hours is a digital book that takes you deep within the topsecret offices of Valve for an unvarnished look at the creative process behind Portal 2. Now with a free bonus chapter added! Portal addresses for PC users in the Euclid galaxy. Portal Knights [v 6 DLC (2017) PC RePack qoob. Portal 1 Free Download Full Version RG Mechanics Repack PC Game In Direct Download Links. This Game Is Cracked And Highly Compressed Game. The biggest totally free game fix trainer library online for PC Games. Download TV Portal APK App Latest Version for Android PC [ Tv portal Do you love to watch movie or TV Shows? If your answer is yes, then we will tell you about amazing and most popular video streaming app which is known as a TV Portal. Portal is a great game that will challenge the mind with complicated puzzles that you need to solve using only your portal gun. Read more Published 11 months ago Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition [FULL RUS Update 2 1 DLC (2017) PC RePack R. Portal (2007PCRePackRus) by CUTA. Metacritic Game Reviews, Portal for PC, Portal is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the mos Portal 1 Full Trke ndir PC Portal 1 Full Trke, ile farkl bir oyun deneyimi yaamak isteyenler iin amacnz blgelerden kaarak talimatlara uymanz gerek GameStop: Buy Portal 2, Valve, PC, Find release dates, customer reviews, previews and screenshots. Portal consiste em um jogo que segue o melhor estilo quebracabea e que explora, de certa forma, o conceito utilizado em Prey, onde possvel 'viajar' pelo cenrio fazendo uso dos portais que ficam espalhados ao longo do ambiente. How to install Portal Gun Mod 1. Learn how to install Portal Gun Mod correctly for the latest versions of Minecraft and earlier also, this is compatible with Minecraft 1. Portal 1 PC Game File Size: 756 MB System Requirements: CPU: Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1. 7 GHz OS: Windows Xp, 7, Vista, 8, 10 RAM: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB Graphic Card Free Hard Space: 2 GB Direct X: 9. 0c Sound Card: Yes Heroes Of Might And Magic 4 Game Monster Jam Battlegrounds Game Related Post Far Cry [ Portal Juego para PC es un videojuego de lgica para un solo jugador desarrollado por Valve Corporation. El sistema de juego se centra en el Portal 2 PC Game Free Download setup in direct link for Windows. It is a puzzle platformer game which is a sequel to Puzzle game (2007). Open Portal folder, double click on Setup and install it. After installation complete, go to the folder where you install the game. Open folder, double click on Portal icon to play the game. Psyonix has partnered with Valve to bring Portalthemed content to the soccerwithcars game on PC, starting December 1. Nov 29, 2015 2: 00pm Rocket League Introduces Free Portal DLC This Week Metacritic Game Reviews, Portal 2 for PC, Valve is working on a fulllength sequel to its awardwinning, mindbending puzzle action game for the Xbox 360 and PC. This is the gameplay of Portal 1 on a PC, sorry for the bad quality, but the max. resolution of this (old) game is 1280x1024. Music: Epic Music Mix III Imm Find all the latest Portal PC game mods on GameWatcher. com Portal Free Download Full Version Crack. Rated as one of the best puzzlegames to come out, use your portal gun to navigate throughout the game map. OS: Windows Xp, 7, Vista, 8, 10 Ram: 512 MB Video Memory: 64 MB CPU: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1. 0 Sound Card: Yes Blinding Dark Game Incoming Forces Game Portal 2 Download PC After waking up and suffering the shock, our hero decides to run away with the savior. Everything was going in the right direction but plans were thwarted after encountering an artificial intelligence named GLaDOS (antagonist from first edition). No Virus Just a little tutorial on showing you how to download Portal 1. Follow all the steps and you should be fine! Game:.